New Year’s Resolutions for a Clean Car

New Year'sIt’s the start of a brand new year. We’re clearing our the old and ushering in the new. We’re planning to eat better and exercise more. Many people are making those New Year’s resolutions. But, what about your car? What you planning to do (or not do) this year to keep your vehicle spotless this year?

If you’re making the resolution to take better care of your vehicle this year, Myrtle Beach Detailing offers you a few pointers to help you out along the way.

New Year'sExterior Washing

One of the best things you can do for your vehicle is to keep the exterior clean. A good washing is very beneficial to extending the life of your vehicle’s paint. Hand washing in the best method. Try your best to stay away from automatic car washes as the brushes can do more harm than good.

Use the Correct Products

If you choose to wash your own vehicle, make sure you’re using products specifically designed to be used on vehicles. Whatever you do, please do not use dish detergent or laundry soap. Those soaps have chemicals that can strip your vehicle’s painted surfaces of needed protection.

New Year'sClean Out the Inside

For the inside of your vehicle, empty out the trash and give it a good vacuuming once every so often. Don’t forget to check under the seats, and in the cracks and crevices. Hidden crumbs and trash can cause a very nasty smell. Clean out the inside and your vehicle will just feel better to drive.

New Year'sDump the Trash

Another thing you can do is to keep a trash bag in your vehicle so you always have a place to put your trash. When you stop for gas, dump it in the trash bins near the gas pumps! Clean your windows while you’re there as well.

New Year'sCall Myrtle Beach Detailing

Of course, if you need help with getting your vehicle clean, you can always call Myrtle Beach Detailing. We will get your all set for the new year. That way it’s easier for you to take care of for the rest of the year! Do yourself a favor this New Year’s. Promise to take better care of your vehicle both inside and out!