Why Should I Use Distilled Water?

Are You Using Distilled Water?

If you are combining from the tap you could be making a product work tougher than needed.

Think about the procedure of showering, washing dishes, or washing clothes. Can you think of recycling the suds utilized for washing?  Although this is a slightly overstated instance, using hard water in a soap mix is generating similar difficulties.

How Does It Affect the Result?

When you mix tap water with your favorite cleaner the product is already cleaning the mineral deposits in the water.  This has a little impact on the cleaning efficiency of the product.  For waterless washes or quick detailers, I believe it can affect the tenderness of the product.

Spraying your car with a hose or filling up a five-gallon bucket, the water quality is not going to have an obvious cause for worry.  But when we look at pre-mixing into a 16-ounce spray bottle the impact of the impurities becomes amplified.

Distilled Water Use is Also Essential for Steam Cleaning.

Think about our residential home plumbing structure.  Those pipelines are built to withstand/defend against the destructive ingredients created by hard water.  Over many years those my pipes can weaken.  Many of the steam cleaners that have broken down too early, are credited to employing unfiltered water.

One of the procedures of eliminating minerals and pollution from water is practically indistinguishable to what happens when you are generating steam.  Therefore, by using non-filtered water you would be forming an accumulation of bacteria and corrosive aspects in a very costly tool.

Even with appropriate soft water use for steam cleaners, it is suggested to clean them once a month with a vinegar mixture.  The vinegar mixture breaks down extra hardened mineral sediments that could be blocking the hoses.